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The Style List
Women's Day Special 2024

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Someone once told me that my biggest strength is being a woman. At first, I was confused, but over the years, I've come to appreciate the power of womanhood. Today, I take pride and joy in being a woman.



Womanhood is a word that carries immense responsibility, courage, integrity, grit, and respect, and should be celebrated every day. Women around the world have proven their skills as successful entrepreneurs and professionals, and they understand the ongoing pursuit of mastering work-life balance. Keeping this in mind, our Women's Day Special Issue is a distinguished celebration of the exceptional women who have significantly impacted various domains. This special issue is close to my heart, and with this edition, we expand on The Style List Female Powerhouse list, launched on our website in 2020.



Within these pages, we highlight female excellence and pay homage to the triumphs, leadership, and innovation of women. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the inspiring women who have graciously shared their journeys, and we invite you to join us in applauding their contributions. Here's to the women who continue to shape the future.


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