The last few months have forced us all to re-think fashion, and moreover fast fashion. With physical stores and non-essential online platforms being closed for a span of three months, fashion brands have changed the way they operate. New strategies to keep in mind the idea of sustainability is the key factor and doing away with trends, and season based fashion is one part.
Purchasing new ensembles in the current scenario may seem redundant given the fact that one isn't venturing out much and spending power has reduced drastically. Hence, it is now that we realise that upcycling is a new way forward. The novel coronavirus has been a great leveller, reminding us of the old Indian values of saving and passing it down to the generations to come. Keeping this new course in mind, Antar-Agni announced 'Restore Love', an ongoing effort by the brand where old damaged garments are refurbished, enhanced or upcycled to be brought back to life.
Ujjawal Duber, founder of Antar- Agni says the idea came to him from his favourite jacket and old memories of the Indian household. “I have a jacket that has lasted me a greater part of a decade. I’ve overdyed it a few times, sewn-in buttonholes, and reconstructed sections of it. Every week I wear it, it takes on greater meaning and ensures a little less consumption. It would be such a great joy to create this for others to reimagine those special pieces within their wardrobe”, shares Ujjawal. The brands ideology of eco-friendly fashion is reiterated when he further added - “We have always believed in the slow life and this idea has been brewing for a while now. Slow down life and let it grow on u and in this case the evergreen-ness of the clothes.”
As Indians we are brought up with the belief of worshipping mother nature, and demanding the least from the earth. Restore Love is an effort to bring back that thought in 2020. The initiative describes our bond with clothes - it takes us down the memory lane to reflect on hand-me-downs we received as children from our older siblings, making them our own.
Bring back old Antar-Agni garments you own to transform them into a new avtar, restore them or enhance them for a special occasion. All you need to do is simply write to Antar-Agni and allow a few cuts on the fabric, or alterations to be your window into a new masterpiece.