Arushi Sakhuja

Yoga Poses For PCOS with Naad Wellness

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome also known as PCOS - a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age.Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. Irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, acne and obesity are some of the symptoms. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. PCOS is a common occurrence in women today, and is found amongst 1 in every 10 women in India.

Although PCOS has not yet been attributed to any specific cause, doctors believe it to be a result on the modern-day unhealthy, stressful and sedentary lifestyle. Stress is considered to be a major cause and trigger for PCOS. It is essential to address this issue at the mind level. This can be done with meditation.

Women with PCOS are encouraged to exercise daily to help balance hormones and manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Yoga has proven to show significant health benefits for women with PCOS. While yoga cannot cure PCOS, it can alleviate PCOS by reducing the symptoms of PCOS that affect fertility. Yoga asanas help open up the pelvic area and promote relaxation while pranayamas help calm the mind. Taking hormonal pills may not be the ideal scenario for every women, and with time can also reduce your dependency on pills or medication for the regularisation of hormones. amore than conventional exercises. Yoga improves anxiety, hormones, menstrual cycles and metabolic parameters among women with PCOS.

As we celebrate International Yoga Day, here are some yoga poses that have proven to be beneficial for PCOS.

1. Baddhakonasan, or Butterfly Pose: It gives a gentle massaging effect on the groin, the inner thighs, and organs in the abdominal cavity. It regulates the function of the ovaries and to soothes the menstrual cycle.

2. Bhujangasan, or Cobra Pose: It works on the abdominal muscles, tones the uterus and the ovaries and optimises the blood flow for healing and hormonal balance.  

3. Naukasan, or Boat Pose: It tones the organs located in the abdominal cavity and abdominal muscles. It also regulates thyroid function, which has an indirect influence on PCOS.

4. Marjariasana, or Cat Pose: Strengthens the spine, core muscles, enabling strength to endure childbirth and tackle menstrual cramps.

In addition to this one can practice vygarasana, Danurasana, Balasana, shalabasana, pachimothanasana,Nadi shudhi pranayama, Bharamari pranayama and Yoni mudra. 

5. Yoni Mudra (attitude of the womb or source) practice instruction:

  • Assume a comfortable meditation posture with the head and spine straight. 

  • Place the palms of the hands together with the fingers and thumbs straight and pointing away from the body. 

  • Keeping the pads of the index fingers together, turn the little, ring and middle fingers inwards so that the backs of the fingers are touching. 

  • Interlock the little, ring and middle fingers. 

  • Bring the thumbs towards the body and join the pads of the fingers together to form the base of a yoni or womb shape.